Our Story

The idea for "Mashiach 2024" came out of the absence of Mashiach coming in 2020 to save us, as we had hoped. The idea for "Mashiach 2020" came out of similarly disappointing results from Mashiach stubbornly refusing to show up in 2016. We are trying to do our part by doing mitzvot, and we hope we're close.

Given the current options for the 2024 US Presidential elections, we feel it would be best for Mashiach to come as soon as possible. Up until now, we had not publicly expressed our hope for Mashiach during a US Presidential season. Maybe third time is the charm.

Abstract US flag with One Star

Our team consists of a Dad, his teenage daughter, and a teenage friend-of-the-family, who all share pride in Yiddishkeit and fervently hope for the well-being of the United States, Israel, and (most of) the other countries of the world. We also share an interest in online marketing, and run a fun, Jewish-oriented merch store at IvriTees.com.